Saturday, May 12, 2007

It is so tiresome..

It has been 6 months of industrial training..only about 2 months to go..
"Berapa lama lg praktikal kat sini?". Haih...I'm tired of answering this question already! Almost all the colleagues in other departments seems to use this line to start a conversation with me. Duh!!

During the last meeting with my bos..she told us to leave a significant impact before we leave and also wrap up all the tasks that we have. That means for me to get Certificate of Making Good of Defects for PICC. Only 13 items left in the defect list.. Seems simple but I feel like so tired of this internship.

For this week, my bos took a holiday and away from office for 3 days. 2 more colleagues went to a seminar for 3 days too. My SV is having factory visits and I was left at my office without ANY WORK to do. I was so demoralized that I don't even use my time to update my '14 weeks lagging' reports.

Waa...can't wait to finish this internship and go back to finish my studies..

ps: I spent my time at office playing Sudoku..haha..