Happy Birthday Tasha~ ^_^
I went back to KL on last Thursday afternoon coz I was invited to Tasha's birthday party.Her birthday was supposedly on Saturday (2nd Feb) but due to some reason it had to be done on Friday(1st Feb). After my Friday prayer..I rushed to the LRT station and begin my journey to her place.
Hmm..I'm sure some of you wanted to know who is this Tasha? (someone did ask me juz before I wrote this post) Her name is Safirah Natasha. She is a very energetic and very2 cute girl that I juz knew during my sem break. Sounds suspicious rite? Hehe..
Actually she is Syiera's niece..so ofcourse she is cute(juz like her aunt).. Hehe.. She juz turned 2 years old. I've met her couple of time...and we did play well together. ^^ So last Friday..I reached Syiera's house arround 4 o'clock. At first when Tasha saw me..she was quite shy and ran arround the house when I called her. But 5 minutes after that, she ends up sitting on my lap showing me her Pooh book. =p
That evening..Syiera's dad invited an Ustaz to recite "doa selamat". So when the prayer started..Tasha was upstairs having a bath b4 changing into her birthday dress. We are still in the middle of doa when she came down and look arround for me. She saw me and sat right beside me. She juz waiting for me to give her hint to sit on my lap again. =p (syiera's uncles was quite suprised seing her sitting on my lap..coz I was supposed to be the stranger here..)
So she follow me arround the whole day..even playing with the balloons with me. Then it was time to cut her birthday cake. She was having a blueberry cake with Tweety bird picture on it. But she only eat the cream part..hehe..

Me with Tasha~ Isn't she cute?!!
Finally it was already 9pm and its time for me to go home. I called tasha and said "Bye Tasha..uncle dah nak balik". Then she started to cry and want me to carry her. Then guess what? She don't want to let go.. -____-" Syiera tried to take her from me and she said "No!" (That's the problem with kids nowadays..too smart for their age..hehe..) Syiera's mom tried to take her too..but it's still a "No!" and she hugged me even tighter and lay her head on my shoulder. (So cute!!) So for the last resort..Syiera's dad manage to take her from me for a moment before she started crying again.
Happy 2nd Birthday Tasha!! Next time Uncle Aswad will visit you again. ^_^
aku percaye non of these stories is true. aswad penipu. big fat liar.
mane ade budak kecit suke dgn penyangak mcm kau. kan kan.
dhla aswad! hentikan sandiwaramu!
ps: woi x0x0!
Kwajja zac!! Biler lak aku big fat liar..Kalo btol pon aku liar..aku x big and fat. Wekk~!!
Zac dengki aku disukai budak2. Cuba kau yg dukung dia..mesti dia meraung2 nanges. Huh!
ahhh, tade tade. kalau bukan big fat liar pon, mesti small thin liar!
ni satu skendel, sandiwara. mentang2 dekat pilihanraya, semua cerita keluar. LOL
anyway, most kids nowadays like that. they like whoever that can entertain them, even stranger. kidnap kang!
Cis..korg mmg keji..huhu.. Dengki ar tuh!!
ouh seme ban swad...ni nk aku sokong ke..tp biasanye, dak kecik pompuan suke kat laki..opposite gender kate kan..so there is a possibility...
but d fact dak tu agak senyum..we can say cite ni ada kebenaran..though yah, susah nk pecaya...haha...
and swad, congratz..u hv just win a good point in front of cindi's famili..gud2...
Huhu..tu la..siap dh letak gambar..stil dorg xnak cayer..
abrak n zac..pls look at the fact and prove.. Dun let ur envy cover ur eyes. :P
ah...sejak bila jadi "uncle aswad" lak neh? hahaha...
tasya pggl syiera "mama ya" la. so by right u should teach her to call u "papa ya".
haha...sounds nice, isn't it? ;p
Hahaha.. She's a smart girl.. She called my name herself.. So there's nothing we can do to change it. ;p
Hye papaya! manis hari ni. kahkah!
Hye kak hani~ Manis? Bese la tuh..i'm always sweet. ;p
i kept laughing sampai bos pun dtg usya...haha...mengom tol~
ala..nak bgik dak kecik senyum..sng je..bg hp...bg die maen2..suke rr die...
still..ur story..takleh dipercayai ...hahaha
so cuteeee! :)
tak saba ke nak ade budak kecik sendiri? :P
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