Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Yesterday the result 4 SPM was out. I got sms from my cousin arround lunch hour asking me about my yourger sis result. She told me that her sis got 5A's. (dats wat ppl c..only A) At that time..my sis havent even go to school yet. I dunno if it was bcoz she woke up late (as she always do) or she scared to get her result. She doesnt even pick up my phone call. *sigh*

Arround 4pm dat day..I have nothing 2 do. (padahal malas nk buat!) So i gave her a call.

me: Alin! Dah amik blom result kau?
my sis: dah.. (suara x semangat)
me: haa..ni mesti dpt teruk nih.. berapa kau dpt?
my sis: 2A jer..
me: Ada fail x? Aper yg plg teruk?
my sis: Sejarah..dpt D.
me: hurm..ok ar tuh. Nnt aku blk bg aku tgk result.

I was quite suprise that she didnt fail her add math. My mom always ask me 2 teach her math n she always end up crying. (i didnt scold her..dia nanges sbb x phm.. btol..siyes x tipu..) Well..i'm glad her result was not dat bad.

Getting SPM result reminds me of my time. I was competing with 4 other cousins which r far smarter than me. My mom always compare me with my other cousins. I HATE being compared. Luckily my results r comparable with them. If not i would have lost all my self esteem. Haha.

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At 6:36 pm, Blogger Hani said...

(i didnt scold her..dia nanges sbb x phm.. btol..siyes x tipu..)

oih xyah wat disclaimer. u r not at guilt pon kn. kah kah!

well congrats utk adek ko ( ni yg ko ckp manje tuh kan)

aku pon expect aku dpt 2A je. SUSAH woooo!

At 6:59 am, Blogger Azreel Aswad said...

Tu la psl..tp mak aku slalu marah aku kalo dia nangis..ckp aku marah dia.

kalo aku dpt 2A jer..confirm kena marah teruk2 nyer. I got 6A's n my mom doesnt even show that she's happy with it. D reason is 1 of my cousin got straight A's.

ps:best nyer jd anak bongsu.. *sigh*

At 8:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and you, my dear, reminds me of my spm days!
and talking about being compared.
i got a twin younger sis.
tsk3.. can u imagine time derang amek result cane?
*seb bek bukan twins*
but they got great results anyway.

p.s. best ke jd anak bongsu. LOL

At 2:36 pm, Blogger Husna said...

during my sister's year, my mom also asked me to teach her maths. being an elder sis, i'm quite garang. kenot help it la. but bile dia masok form 5, kurang sket la garang aku sbb aku chuak kalau dia asek nanges and merajuk,kang dia tak belajar pulak :P

compared to her previous years of doin maths, im happy for her improvement in spm ^_^

aih. lamer dah tak jumpe dia. i miss her so much.


At 5:55 pm, Blogger Azreel Aswad said...

raje: hurm..then i shud wait my nephews yg kembar 3 tuh amik SPM la kot..baru dpt imagine. Haha.. X best ker jd anak bongsu? Adik aku mintak aper pn dpt.

ps:thx 4 droppping by. :)

Chuna: kau rapat la ek dgn dia? aku dgn adik aku x gaduh x sah. so kalau x jumpa setahun pn x rindu kot. :p

At 12:40 am, Blogger [blindheart] said...

aisk... since u did put up my link into ur blogroll then i shall do as so... erm... baru je nk permisi link...

SPM...??? mine was in 2001... isk... pensijilan terbuka... i did hv 12 subjects... 6A1 n 6 B3... untungnye ur sis n bros ade org nk ajar derang... compared 2 me... lone ranger je... abg ke jepun akak ke ireland abg lg ke jasin... T_T, x kn nk suro adikku di SSP mengajarku matematik tambahan??? downs~~~

anyways pon... baca la berita... "Y Go For A's??" pasni org da xble amek lebih dari 12...

p/s: panjang comment aku kat blog ko.. jarang ni... anyways dtg la utp, pastu kite chill2... same 2 raja, mia n chunna ye... i'll take u guys sumwhere

At 9:58 am, Blogger Hani said...

aswad raje kate what a nightmare


ps: yeay bole g ronda2!

At 10:06 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ssh benor nk tengok update!

congrats to ur sis. its just the start line.

my SPM time? not that great.

At 11:06 pm, Blogger Azreel Aswad said...

[blindheart]: Biler la plak dpt blk UTP. Cuti umum mcm dah kekurangan je skrg nih. Tulis la panjang2 pn..aku x kisah. Nk tulis topic kat sini pon aku x kisah. :p

zac: aritu mcm ada org ajak aku blk time euphonious..dunno if d offer still stands. :p

Abrak: SPM x elok pn xper..asalkan kau dh dpt masuk utp skrg. Juz concentrate on future. :)


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